
Hypothetical Situations Meme

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Hypothetical situations meme!

Your character is alone on a small star ship that has been stranded, and most of the crew has been rendered unconscious to some sort of virus. You think you could manufacture a cure, but to do so, you would need to kill one of your colleagues. What does your character do?


Your character has been given the Kobayashi Maru challenge. How do they feel prior to the test? How do they handle the test? Any special notes from the proctors? How do they cope afterward?


Your character has just stubbed their bare toe (or slammed their tail in a doorway, or bumped their funnybone, etc) What is their reaction?


What is the probability of your character walking into a glass wall by accident? How would they react if they were alone and nobody saw? How would they react if they did it in public?


Your character has been selected to be one of a handful of test subjects for the R&D department's newest device. The dreamwalker is a tiny, unobtrusive headband that can record dreams. The headset records the brainwaves and REM movement of the wearer and transmits it to the ship's database, which is then uploaded to the holodeck to be replayed at one's leisure. Your character will be wearing the headset tonight, as they go to sleep. They will be under observation in sickbay, though the medics assure your character that this is a formality at this point, they don't believe anything bad will happen. How does your character react to this? Are they excited, nervous?


Describe the dream your character has as if another NPC has walked into the holodeck to experience the dream at the same time your character is dreaming it.


Your character has been invited to a prestigious dinner for exceptionally accomplished starfleet officers in your field. During the dinner, your colleagues treat you well, but you notice the host of the party is abnormally silent, and their knuckles are white as they grip their eating utensils. Here and there, he drops a few snarky comments about you, your captain, your ship, and your crew. It's very clear he does not like you. How does your character react


Besides the host's unusually unprofessional behavior, the dinner went nicely. A few hours after dinner though, your character start to feel nauseous. Then, a sharp pain in their stomach, and the very urgent need to use the restroom. Has your character experienced something like this before? How do they react? What do they believe has happened?


After an excruciatingly long time on the john, your character comes out of the restroom and feels much better. In fact, they feel great. Maybe a little too great. They start to hear colors, taste sounds, and see the space-time continuum itself march onwards in it's steady marathon through the multiverse. Your character is high. Have they been this way before? How do they react? What is their trip like?


Some hours later, your character wakes up in sickbay. They've been informed that everyone, including your host, ate a poorly-prepared meal. The chef undercooked the Xandarian fungus saute, and as a result, the psychoactive properties of the fungus were still active. The chef has been fired. Is your character satisfied with this? How do they react?


Due to a paperwork error, your character has been wrongfully demoted, or even kicked out of Starfleet altogether. It may take up to a year or so to correct this massive organizational mistake, but knowing bureaucracies, it might take longer. What is your character's first reaction to being fired? How will they adjust to their new position?


Your character is sick. Not deathly sick, but enough to really knock the wind out of them. Sickbay will be unable to help, they're busy trying to fight off a much worse virus travelling around the ship. Thankfully, because your character got the weaker virus, they'll have immunity to the stronger one that sickbay is so worried about. However, your character will also have to deal with flu-like symptoms for about a week. How do they handle having a bad cold? How do they cope? What comfort habits do they perform? (Comfort habits such as drinking chicken noodle soup, sleeping, cuddling a teddy bear, binge watching Friends for the umpteenth time)


The ship is in drydock, and your character gets some downtime on a space station. Immediately after coming off the ship, what does your character do? Why?


On an away mission, your character comes across an alien tribe that is very upset that your character is here, on their property. However, they're willing to leave your character be as long as they participate in the ancient art of Earth rap battles. Does your character participate? How does their rap-off go? Are they good, bad? If they do not participate, do they leave, face the aliens, or attempt to parley?


Your character has likely not heard of soccer, but the brass has decided your ship needs a morale boost a/o distraction, and decided to give your character and their crew a soccer tournament between departments, using the holodeck as a setting. How does your character react to the initial idea? Do they enjoy wearing their team's colors? Do they cheer their department on? How do they feel about the other teams? How well do they play, and what is their play style?

Your character has been given a brand new holo-program based off a very old franchise: Star Wars. Your character is allowed to fly an X-Wing in any way they please. Do they use the program at all? How does your character fly the ship? Do they enjoy it?

Also known as: More than you would ever want to know about your character.
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minecrafroger's avatar
ok, with the 1st one, if the dude is awake, i'll ask hem if he's willing to die, but if not, the meny outwaighs the few....